Data Fields for Return Payment Categories


A user-defined numeral with a maximum length of three digits numbered between 800 and 899.


A word or phrase describing the category being established.


Select a return type for the category, such as Regular Return, Print Check, or Create Credit Invoice. These options are described in more detail in the table below.

Option Description
ACH Return This option returns the balance directly to the customer's checking account.
Create Credit Invoice This option creates a credit invoice on the customer's account that can be used toward future purchases.
Credit Card This option returns the balance directly to the customer's credit card.
Debit Card This option returns the balance directly to the customer's checking account.
E-Card Return This option allows you to provide the customer with a new gift card for the return balance.
Print Check This option allows you to print a check from AIMsi to sign and give to the customer.
Regular Return This option is for payments that should not be processed through with authorization such as a cash payment.

CC Type

If the Type is Credit Card, select a credit card type in this box.

Hint: Right-click in this box to clear your CC Type selection.


To prevent certain groups of employees from using this return payment type, select a security level. The security levels here correspond to the Payment/Return Category Security Level process set up for groups on the Group Properties window or Group Permissions to Secured Items window. For example, if you set this value to Level 1, only groups with access to Payment/Return Category Security Level 1 can complete transactions using this return payment type; individuals in groups without access to this security level will be unable to complete a transaction using this return payment type without management override.

Ledger# to Credit for Return

Enter the ledger number to credit for this return. This would generally be an asset account. The text below this box automatically updates depending on the ledger account. For example, Accounts Receivable might display for ledger number 110-1.

Hint: Press F6 in order to select the ledger number from your chart of accounts or to add the ledger number to your chart of accounts.

Note: This would be the ledger number to credit for the refunding of the payment. The ledger numbers assigned to the category of the merchandise being returned will be referenced for that portion of the ledger entry.

Receipt Number Override

Enter the number of receipts to print for transactions using this return payment category if different from the default number of receipts set up for system variable NumberReceipts. For example, if the system variable is set to 1 but for this return payment category you want to print two (one for the customer and one for your cash drawer), enter 2 here.

Open Cash Drawer

Click the Open Cash Drawer box if the refund category being established should open the cash drawer. Instances where you may not want the cash drawer to open would be if you are writing the customer a check or if you are creating a credit invoice on the customer's account.

Location code(s)

Enter location codes, separated by the pipe symbol (|), to make this return category available at just those locations.